RS QS provides services in quantity surveying and specialist cost management with view to deliver the BEST value for Clients. We works collaboratively with our clients and other project players to enable us to provide a full and comprehensive cost consultancy service that  is fully integrated with the design and construction process from inception  through to completion and beyond. We will tailor a scope of service to suit your project needs & your budget  and maximize the return on Client’s Investment. We have the capacity and  experience to serve both building and engineering projects of any size or complexity.

Our Quantity Surveying Services encompass of: Basic Services and Supplementary Services

Basic Services

Preliminary Estimate & Cost Control

Preliminary Cost Estimate will be prepared with view to serve initial cost indication to the Client, based on any available information during the inception stage.

Cost Control exercise will be executed at every stage during Pre-Contract and Post Contract with  aim to corroborate that design and specification proposed by Designer is within the Client’s  budget and produce the Best Value/Return to the Client.

Tender Documents Control

The Tender Documents will be prepared comprise of Bills of  Quantities, Conditions of Contract, Drawings, Specification, etc. Each documents shall compliment to each other in contemplation of the Client’s best interest. The Tender Documents will be prepared in accordance with the intended tendering and contracting strategy by the Client.

Tender Report & Contract Documents

Tender Report will be carried out in accordance with the approved tender evaluation criteria with the aim to award the contract to the best reasonable contractor not limited to the technical and financial capability.

Contract Documents will be prepared by transmuting if from the tender documents, with view to protect the best interest of Client, particularly on the legal aspects.

Contract Administration

Facilitate the Client in administering the contract. Always proactive during the post contract by giving a proper advice in the contractual issues, evaluate progress of work on Site, monitor the potential delay or variation to the project, etc.

Final Account

Final Account to be prepared within the contractual timeline. All the provisional quantities are to be remeasured and finalized as the works progress & completed on Site. The project Financial Statement also will be issued on monthly basis to update the Client on the Current Project Financial Status.

Supplementary Services

Land/Asset Appraisal Studies

Land Appraisal Studies will be carried to explore and to unlock the real potential value of the Client’s Asset (e.g. Residual Approach & Comparable Analysis).

Pre-Investment Analysis/Viability Study

This comprehensive study to be carried out by take into consideration of all market scenario (e.g. pessimistic, optimistic & realistic).The analysis will includes full circle of financial aspects (capital costs, bridging financing, end financing, operation costs, etc.) subject to the client’s requirements and development strategy.

Strategic Procurement & Contractual Strategies

The right procurement and contractual strategy is very important to the Client. Innovative Procurement and contractual strategy will be offered to the Client with view to optimize the Client’s Budget and maximize the best solutions.

Lead Consultant & Project Management Services

We provide the peace of mind services to our Client, by taking the lead role in a project and coordinating the works with other consultants and contractors. We strive to protect your investment by taking responsibility for cost and quality control.

Value Management Services

We employ techniques in order to define, maximize and achieve optimum ‘value for money’.

Life Cycle Costing Exercise

We can consider the Whole-life of al cost associated with the life of a building, from inception to construction, occupation, operation, maintenance and disposal. We provide a methodology for the systematic economic evaluation used to establish the total cost of ownership, based upon various appraised options.

Expert Witness

We use our knowledge, training and experience in a specific construction related area to help assist courts and other bodies to understand issues in legal cases so that they reach a sound and just decision.

Claim Advice

Claims commonly arise between the parties to construction contracts. This can be as a result of problems such as delays, changes, unforeseen circumstances, insufficient information and conflicts. Claims might be made for things such as loss and expense, extension of time and liquidated damages. We can provide advice regarding the potential validity and quantum of liability regarding claims and disputes.

Heritage Consultancy

We have the skills, experience and specialist knowledge to provide considered and ethically responsible advice when working in heritage projects. We have dealt with several iconic buildings (e.g. Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad, National Library, etc.

Design & Build QS Services

We administer the Design and Build Contract on behalf Design & Build Contractor and dealt with the Project Owner and the Sub-Contractors & Suppliers. The contract be dealt upstream & downstream.